Beauty and the Beast: Why Christians Can Calm Down

On March 1st my newsfeed exploded with angry moms. Our beloved Beauty and the Beast is GAY.
Well, not exactly. And perhaps that’s where we should start. Is this a “Gay” movie? Or is this just another worldly movie made by worldly people with worldly agendas? Believe me, I’m upset, too. But there is an important difference here worthy of a second look. 
Al Mohler, at the recent Shepherd’s Conference, summarized this distinction well. He said there’s a difference between culture being infused into a movie and a movie glorifying a particular sin. Gay characters will be the norm in movies from now on. That’s the agenda. The question we should ask is: Does it glorify the sin, or does it discuss/portray an aspect of culture?
This is the culture God has appointed for us to raise our children in. We need to know how to live in it and interact with it. Our kids are watching us. Our response to this issue will shape how they live within this culture. As we respond to Beauty and the Beast there are two words that should not characterize us as Christian parents.
If we expect the world to act Christian we will always be let down. Many are crying out, “How could Disney do this!?” Maybe instead our question should be, “What took them so long?” Disney is not a Christian company. Disney is acting exactly the way it is supposed to act.
I think deep down we hope the evil in this world will spare our kids. But evil is no respecter of persons. When we see Disney peddling homosexuality as normal it’s like watching someone pass out candy-covered cyanide to children. We gasp in horror and say, “What’s this world coming to?” But we already have the answer. God tells us that “the world is passing away, and also its lusts; but the one who does the will of God lives forever.” (1 John 2:17) For the Christian there are no surprises – only evidences of God’s promises coming true. 
We should be angry at sin, but never shocked. Shock means we got too comfortable here. It means we made ourselves at home in the enemy camp and we were offended when the enemy tried to kill us in our sleep. It means we have forgotten that we are “aliens and strangers.” (1 Peter 2:11) 
Have you heard about the gay character in Bambi? How about in The Lion King, Pinocchio, or The Jungle Book? These are just a few of the movies I have heard Christians crossing off their lists this week because of suspicious homosexual undertones.
We can train ourselves to see evil everywhere, but that is not the mark of a discerning Christian. It taints our joy and makes us fearful. This is still God’s world. He created music. He created color. As discerning Christians we want to teach our kids how to take the good and leave the bad.   
So What Do We Do? 
Christians can take comfort in the fact that a gay Disney character doesn’t change anything. Thousands of years before Walt Disney was born King Solomon said, “There is nothing new under the sun.” (Ecclesiastes 1:9) Sin has always been sin. Mankind’s basic need for a savior is still the same. The hope of the gospel is still the same. And as God’s people, our job is still the same as well. 
Yes, Hollywood has an agenda – but so do we. If Hollywood is trying to indoctrinate our kids then we must indoctrinate them first. You must speak of God’s word to your children “when you sit in your house and when you walk along the road and when you lie down and when you rise up.” (Deuteronomy 11:19) 

We must raise alien children – children who are not surprised by or afraid of this culture, but know how to impact it for the gospel. We have the beautiful privilege of praying for our kids what Jesus prays for us: “I do not ask that You take them out of the world, but that You keep them from the evil one.” (John 17:15)

Sara Wallace does a wonderful job of taking the practicals of motherhood and relating them to the gospel. I highly recommend this for moms who don’t have a lot of time to sit down and do a big Bible study.” – Jennifer
Get your copy of “The Gospel-Centered Mom” on 

130 thoughts on “Beauty and the Beast: Why Christians Can Calm Down

  1. This is spot on! Remember that homosexuality is mentioned in the same Bible verse with gossip and falsely accusing the brethren. You are right, ALL these things are sin and should be viewed as such. And it is a matter of personal conviction whether or not to take your children to see the movie. This article, on the other hand, is a watered-down grace message. Let the Holy Spirit lead, by all means.


  2. Well written! But we won't be dropping a dime into it. Mostly bc of the director Bill Condon and all he has revealed about the motive behind it. I think as Christians, it's not a “torn decision”. If you have Christian values, you don't support it bc if we all make that decision, these guys see the effects of their agendas NOT being successful. Then just maybe they'll go back to good ole story telling. They're standing up for what they believe is right….so should we. ��


  3. I disagree with this article.
    The things we will say and do to justify our desires. Everyone falls short there, self included. I don't have to read this mountain of replies to know that there's a huge push in the argument against one's moral compass. I believe a choice to not support something, movie, song, etc and/or allow your children to engage is NOT “freaking out” over it. We, as believers, don't need to go crazy over it; but we do have a responsibility to not support it… specifically referring to “the agenda.” Your article used the term “angry” and this was also described in your Scripture reference of 1 Peter 2:11. I see contradiction in that alone. We should be angry that sinful nature continues to be more accepted as “the norm.” We get to decide how much we will comply and allow this to fill our minds and hearts. Live and let God judge, because He intends to. We all need a Savior!


  4. While everyone has the right to their own opinion and the right to voice that opinion, does it really make sense to put so much energy into stressing over this movie when there are so many things far more tragic in this country than two men dancing. If we as Christians and non
    Christians put as much emphasis on things like children going to school hungry, children being bullied, homelessness, veterans living on the streets after dedicating their lives to protecting this land we call home, just think of the good that could be accomplished. We spend so much time critizing and judging certain lifestyles, which really aren't anyones business other than the ones living it. Todays society should be worried about raising our children to grow up being productive, selfsufficient adults wanting to help change this country for the better. If we as Americans continue down the path we are on, two men dancing will be the least of our childrens and grandchildrens worries. Stop putting so much emphasis on sexuality, color, religion, and anything else that makes us different and focus on learning to live together more peacefully and accepting of each other. Its time we take a stand on what's important in the country and to be honest, it sure isn't a movie. For those of you that want to see it, go see it. For those who don't, don't. But, by all means wake up and do more to make this a better place. I truly believe that is what God is expecting from all of us rather than worrying about our children not understanding the concept of two men dancing. But do they really care. Its adults that make it a bad thing, not our children.


  5. In the last days men will call good bad and bad good. We are in the last days. Disney is falling under pressure from the Anti Christ which is anything that goes against God's commandments. I sympathize with anyone struggling with sin. Sin is a struggle and is difficult. As a parent I have the right to protect my child from falling into the pains of sin. Disney has fallen and I'm not going with them down to live with the Devil. I'll stay close to God and away from Satan's influences.


  6. Just wondering why all these “Christians” are never upset when someone kills someone in a movie. The last time I checked murder was a sin too. In the cartoon Gaston stabs the beast with the intent to kill him (they also sing about it). What about every other Disney and non Disney movie for that matter where the hero KILLS the villian. Are you not concerned about showing your children murder or is it ok to teach them that as long as the victim is a bad guy? If you are going to condemn a movie because it has a “sin” – then be consistent and condemn all movies – not just one with the sin you dont like at the time.


  7. 'Guard your minds ppl… Or choose to remain brainwashed? I'm so incredibly sad by the viewpoint here. Extremely closed minded and ignorant… Your so called Christian beliefs hurt many ppl and you're all good with that… So so sad. Open your minds to that which is beyond your limited sight and ye shall find peace…'


  8. I'm all for enacting on personal conviction as long as it's consistent. If you're not okay with normalizing sin in Beauty and the Beast, you must also not be okay with the Little Mermaid since Ariel disobeys her dad and it's never portrayed as a negative thing or sin. If you're not okay with financially supporting the liberal agenda in Beauty and the Beast, you must also be okay with never supporting any organization that financially supports the LGBT community including Disney, Starbucks, Target, Amazon, General Mills, Johnson & Johnson, and so many more. Seems like Christians want to pick and choose which sins they boycott based on convenience and what's in the headlines, not conviction.


  9. That's why at the end of the movie it shows a wedding taking place, because they saved themselves for marriage. Atleast it does in every animated disney film involving romance. The little mermaid, Cinderella, Aladin, etc…


  10. Holy Spirit says love your neighbor as yourself and tell them the Good News that Jesus died for our sins. I also struggle with sin even though I hate it. God is my only strength to resist my temptations. And I have accepted Jesus as my Savior. I'm am not here to condemn sinners but to lead them to His love by loving them


  11. I've seen the movie and I think that we as Christians should be much more concerned with the character of Gaston and how his sins are glossed over. Sure he dies at the end, but does it make attempted murder, vanity, and lying less serious that a 2 second subtext that children may or may not catch? Why is murder more easily forgiven than homosexuality? Are we so conditioned by culture that taking someone's life means less than how someone chooses to live theirs? We make decisions everyday. Many of our children (and ourselves) idolize celebrities and are blatantly encouraged to do so by society, do we freak out every time this happens? Why does homosexuality get the most attention when it may be the least harmful?


  12. Since you decided to use AL Mohler to help explain why Christians can “calm down” about Beauty and the Beast, I thought I would point out what Mohler said specifically about this movie and topic. “What entertains us effectively reaches our minds, and once it reaches our minds it also reaches our hearts. But sometimes it almost short circuits that entire equation, going immediately from the entertainment interest to the heart. Sometimes it’s as if there really isn’t much cognitive interplay whatsoever. “But we also have to note that when we laugh at something and when we find something interesting and, not to mention, entertaining, effectively our thinking will become aligned with our hearts. That’s exactly why Hollywood is ground zero for so much of the change driving the moral revolution around us. But there is something even more ominous in all of this, and that’s this. We’re not here talking primarily about the effect upon adults, adults’ eyes and ears and minds and hearts, we’re talking about entertainment with an agenda, an agenda to reach eyes and ears and hearts and minds directed at children, and very effectively so.
    I guess most of us suspected that it was only a matter of time before some film directors said something like,
    “It is a nice, exclusively gay moment in a Disney movie.”
    But now we know that that time is now. It may not be surprising, but it truly is shocking.” Ironic how Mohler even says this IS shocking. To read full trascript:


  13. If you are a believer, you are truly missing out by not seeing this movie! Here is my review…take it or leave it. I did not read ANY commentary positive or negative until after I wrote this, and I still stand by it 100%:

    Beauty and the Beast Movie Review

    I was glad to get some time with one of my adult daughters on a rainy, Friday afternoon for a movie we had both anticipated, Beauty and the Beast. The real life remake was done well. I even felt like I was at a live performance at times and should applaud at the end of certain numbers. It was playful, lively and entertaining, but I was really taken back by the climax of the movie–the engaging way it was done, its story-telling ability, and its beauty.

    I expect that stories are meant to be most gripping at this point. I know this story so well. It is supposed to bring you to the point of despair and give you the feeling that all is lost. There is sadness and a deep sense of loss as each of the characters begin to mourn the very last moments of his or her human qualities. As Cogsworth ticks for his last time and Lumiere swirls around for one last graceful bow there is such a longing for something or someone to sweep in and rescue them–to bring this “death” to a screeching hault! Even Sultan the little foot stool barks and attempts one last leap but fails mid air falling wrong side up to his final resting place. Overhead in the towering castle above, the beast cowers and is resigned to an empty, futile, and hideous life without love and without hope. It seems all is lost.

    BUT then…..enters genuine, unrelenting, unconditional, uncalled-for LOVE. Belle realizes that she really does love the beast just as he is, and she is willing to leave all else behind. All at once everything and everyone is changed! Life is given. Renewal comes to a castle that had long been dark and forgotten, and hope enters a place and people that seemed to have been forgotten and left without promise. And all of us watching can’t help but rejoice. Quiet smiles and full hearts fill the theater and little squeals and applause scatter throughout.

    It truly is a beautiful story, and truly does echo in many ways THE STORY, which is why, even if we don’t realize it, is the reason we all love it so. We know that we ourselves are not as we should be. We know that things around us are broken and need to be fixed. Without intervention it feels like death is coming, and it is! BUT God provided a way through genuine, unrelenting, unconditional, uncalled-for, LOVE by sending Jesus to not only be willing to sacrifice His life but to actually sacrifice His life so that we might truly live. Just as spring faithfully blooms and bursts forth from the dead of winter, He faithfully brings life to our dead lives. All is made new and hope restored. Yes, there is a reason why we love these stories. It is because written in our hearts is a desire to be restored, renewed, to be beautiful, to be truly loved and to live forever. (“I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.” Jesus)

    ”For the creation waits with eager longing for the revealing of the sons of God. 20 For the creation was subjected to futility, not willingly, but because of him who subjected it, in hope 21 that the creation itself will be set free from its bondage to corruption and obtain the freedom of the glory of the children of God. 22 For we know that the whole creation has been groaning together in the pains of childbirth until now. 23 And not only the creation, but we ourselves, who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for adoption as sons, the redemption of our bodies. 24 For in this hope we were saved. Now hope that is seen is not hope. For who hopes for what he sees? 25 But if we hope for what we do not see, we wait for it with patience.” Romans 8


  14. If you are a believer, you are truly missing out by not seeing this movie! Here is my review…take it or leave it. I did not read ANY commentary positive or negative until after I wrote this, and I still stand by it 100%:

    Beauty and the Beast Movie Review

    I was glad to get some time with one of my adult daughters on a rainy, Friday afternoon for a movie we had both anticipated, Beauty and the Beast. The real life remake was done well. I even felt like I was at a live performance at times and should applaud at the end of certain numbers. It was playful, lively and entertaining, but I was really taken back by the climax of the movie–the engaging way it was done, its story-telling ability, and its beauty.

    I expect that stories are meant to be most gripping at this point. I know this story so well. It is supposed to bring you to the point of despair and give you the feeling that all is lost. There is sadness and a deep sense of loss as each of the characters begin to mourn the very last moments of his or her human qualities. As Cogsworth ticks for his last time and Lumiere swirls around for one last graceful bow there is such a longing for something or someone to sweep in and rescue them–to bring this “death” to a screeching hault! Even Sultan the little foot stool barks and attempts one last leap but fails mid air falling wrong side up to his final resting place. Overhead in the towering castle above, the beast cowers and is resigned to an empty, futile, and hideous life without love and without hope. It seems all is lost.

    BUT then…..enters genuine, unrelenting, unconditional, uncalled-for LOVE. Belle realizes that she really does love the beast just as he is, and she is willing to leave all else behind. All at once everything and everyone is changed! Life is given. Renewal comes to a castle that had long been dark and forgotten, and hope enters a place and people that seemed to have been forgotten and left without promise. And all of us watching can’t help but rejoice. Quiet smiles and full hearts fill the theater and little squeals and applause scatter throughout.

    It truly is a beautiful story, and truly does echo in many ways THE STORY, which is why, even if we don’t realize it, is the reason we all love it so. We know that we ourselves are not as we should be. We know that things around us are broken and need to be fixed. Without intervention it feels like death is coming, and it is! BUT God provided a way through genuine, unrelenting, unconditional, uncalled-for, LOVE by sending Jesus to not only be willing to sacrifice His life but to actually sacrifice His life so that we might truly live. Just as spring faithfully blooms and bursts forth from the dead of winter, He faithfully brings life to our dead lives. All is made new and hope restored. Yes, there is a reason why we love these stories. It is because written in our hearts is a desire to be restored, renewed, to be beautiful, to be truly loved and to live forever. (“I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.” Jesus)

    ”For the creation waits with eager longing for the revealing of the sons of God. 20 For the creation was subjected to futility, not willingly, but because of him who subjected it, in hope 21 that the creation itself will be set free from its bondage to corruption and obtain the freedom of the glory of the children of God. 22 For we know that the whole creation has been groaning together in the pains of childbirth until now. 23 And not only the creation, but we ourselves, who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for adoption as sons, the redemption of our bodies. 24 For in this hope we were saved. Now hope that is seen is not hope. For who hopes for what he sees? 25 But if we hope for what we do not see, we wait for it with patience.” Romans 8


  15. I don't like this one bit. My two sweet great nieces were taken to this movie and loved it. Gay is not personhood its self defining behavior. We're all born into sin, defining your life by that sin, is opposing God. He makes the rules and we humbly accept them or humbly ask forgiveness for our transgressions.


  16. you've missed one crucial point,my dear…
    heterosexual love can be pre-marital (outside of biblical teaching) or marital; which clearly IS in line with biblical teaching
    homosexual behavior will never find favor with GOD – whether it occurs IN or out of marriage b/c “samesex marriage” goes against both GOD and nature
    so while you can hope and expect that premarital sex can be remedied by getting married,a same sex romance cant be sanctfied in marriage
    ever tried sanitizing feces with bleach? under all the bleach…its still a pile of sh*t ❗



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  18. I'm not a Mom, but a dad. But I've enjoyed the wisdom in this blog post. One thing that struck me when reading this, is this: Even good Christian movies (“War Room”, “Courageous”, etc.) that promote a good theme still lack in one essential ingredient: Real life and real time experiences in one's own personal walk with God. There's nothing more powerful to build strength in faith (that which induces a person to live holy and loving life) and having a genuine experience with God in one's life. (Exodus chapters 3 & 4…great example of experiencing God real time, and the effects this has on a person's life !!!)


  19. WHY…why do you want to see this movie so bad? Disney can be the wolf in sheep's clothing and the pathetic Christian culture we live in that says, “How close to the edge can I get?” How many “Moms” are aware of that message they send to their kids whom they are so concerned about? Christians would object rightfully so to pornography–porn is black & white, clear, not hidden at all, not subtle which makes it easy to detect. Disney movies are subtle, with humanistic messages that stir emotions. The very massage your pastor teaches about the “world” come into our homes wrapped in cute stories and pretty people that tell us the greatest love is human love (which used to be between a man & woman, now it is self-love or love of self is the greatest love), man is the highest ideal, a “higher power” is the universe (clear idolatry), and because there is no nudity or cursing, moms take their kids to these movies. Really? Naive. The subtle messages embedded in the very ones you love. Then you ask, “Wow…I didn't see that!” Why? Because YOU allowed this to take place because you don't even see it in yourself “you can't impart what you don't possess”…but you feel proud that you keep your children away from porn and other obvious dangers. Hmmmm…


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